GVBB Holdings SARL

Social Housing, Commercial Architecture, Residential



With a mix of social and market homes  a place for urban parkside. Three key materials, cream and green, have been employed to create a carefully considered facade with its own strong identity.

Apartments abd units

 A mixed tenure apartment building with three retail units and tenant amenity on the ground floor, Capella provides 120 market and 56 socially rented flats across 14 storeys.


Three key materials, cream and green, have been employed to create a carefully considered facade with its own strong identity.

Perfect desing

The cream brick, white balconies, and light green sinusoidal surfaced concrete panels of the facade nod to the light elevational tone of the building diagonally opposite and act as a counterpoint to the otherwise predominantly dark palette.

Desing and creativity

The ‘L’ shaped building hosts a variety of apartment types ranging from single studios to four-bedroomed family apartments, including duplexes and split levels. This variety manifests itself in the facade where the balcony rhythm adjusts to reflect the apartments planned over two floors, and a series of deeper L-shaped balconies are attached to the one-and-a-half-height apartments.

Administrative offices

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