GVBB Holdings SARL

Research Center



A new innovation hub for growth-oriented IT and tech companies offers a creative framework for ideas, synergies, and development. The 18-storybuilding, combines nearly 20,000 square meters of high-quality flexible office spaces with shared facilities and stunning views.

Offices and meeting facilities

Besides the office spaces,  also provides a restaurant, a café, informally shared workspaces, as well as meeting and event facilities that promote inspiration and community

flexibility and dynamic

The inherent flexibility of the building supports a dynamic work environment that encourages interaction and synergy across companies and disciplines.

Fokus on community

Our focus has been on creating flexible and future-proof office spaces where architecture plays a pivotal role in fostering synergy and community.

Desing and creativity

Aimed to create a building design that offers a creative and inspiring framework for growth and innovation; where these goals are an integral part of the architectural experience, ensuring that the entire structure embodies the vision of the project.

Social Housing

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